Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do you offer free terminals?

Many times we hear the question "Do you offer free terminals?" For those of you who may not be familiar with the idea behind free terminals, it may sound like a great idea - who wouldn't want to keep their up-front costs as low as possible?

I'd bet you also heard of the old adage, "there's no such thing as a free lunch!" That saying is certainly true here. If you think about it, there is a clear cost to the piece of equipment a sales force is giving away - from a small PINpad to a full Point-of-Sale (POS) system, the costs range between $100-$5,000 and more based on the configuration of the equipment. How can someone afford to give away that much money without getting something in return? The answer becomes clear now - YOU are paying for that free equipment, be it through high annual fees, higher downgrades (the rewards, and mid-qualified/non-qualified surcharges) and many other fees that can appear on your application. For all the extra expenses you'll be taking on during the life of your account with the processor who gave you free equipment, don't you think it's probably better just to buy a terminal now? Plus, the added benefit is that you will own your machine, and should you ever need to switch providers, you can take your terminal with you - don't put yourself and your business at risk.

If you have any questions on free equipment, please feel free to contact the sales people at Credit Cards, NJ - they'll be more than happy to give you all the information you need and show you why it's still better to own your equipment outright, plus with our low cost equipment, you really cannot go wrong!

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