Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

At this time of year, we find so many reasons to be thankful. We are thankful that all of our customers have continued to stick with us through this tough year; that our loyal readers have continued to return to the blog (even though we haven't updated it in several months :( ) and most of all for the great group of people that are employed by CCNJ.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and a very enjoyable Holiday Season.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Guaranteed Savings!

You might be asking yourself how Credit Cards, NJ can guarantee me savings. It's really simple - we do!

CCNJ has several tools in our arsenal to help you save money. For starters, we work with you to determine where you're overspending and will then create a new account (most likely at a different processor) for you to help you pay the right amount every time. We will also work with you down the line to ensure that you are still paying the right amount and that you are not overpaying. We're only more than happy to sit down and do a statement analysis with you on an annual basis to show you we're still saving you money. To utilize this analysis service, please feel free to contact your sales agent either through our Credit Cards, NJ site or by contacting your rep directly.

We also have a tool in our arsenal for those merchants who may have recently signed up for a processing program with another provider and to whom an early termination fee would apply should you leave. This program will work with our clients and negotiate on your behalf with your current provider. The process is a really easy one - it consists of completing a two page form giving us the authority to act on your behalf and then speaking with your provider. Should we save you any money, we split the savings - you've got nothing to lose by giving us a shout!

We hope that this posting will be able to help all businesses start putting more money into their respective pockets and thereby boosting our sagging economy - call it CCNJ's economic stimulus plan!